Ini adalah gurun terbesar ke-33 di dunia, dan dimasukkan dalam Daftar Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tanggal 17 Juli 2016. Large sand and gravel areas with a light brown to gray and black color spectrum Gurun Lut, secara resmi disebut Dasht-e Lut (bahasa Persia:, 'Dataran Kekosongan'), adalah gurun pasir besar yang terletak diantara provinsi Kermn, dan provinsi SistanBaluchestan di Iran.The Salt Khor lake which is on the way from Isfahan to Tabas. bivouac, Dasht-e Lut, diesel, dunes, Iran, Kalout, Kalouts, Land Cruiser, Lut desert, Mosafer, Nissan, offroad, Persia, Rig-e Yalan, sand, Shahdad.World’s tallest sand dunes, some of which are about 250 feet high and are among the tallest in the world.The region of Shahdad a very valuable place both naturally and historically.
These include salts left over from desert rivers, multi-faceted cracked shells, gypsum domes, small salt spots, and carnivorous salts. The beautiful salt flats of Lut are very diverse in terms of shape and color.It is said that no human has yet covered all parts of this city. The people of this region call it “the city of ghosts, the imaginary city or the city of Lut”. These rock formations look like a city with sky skyscrapers.
The kaluts of Lut also known as the clouds of Shahdad, are basically bedrock features, created by wind and water erosion.
The “kaluts”, which are mysterious and gigantic rock formations, are one of the most beautiful sights in the Lut Plain. This extraordinary place has always had a number of features that make it special and significant. Every year, countless tourists come to the Lut deset with great enthusiasm to see its wonders. This image was acquired by Envisat’s MERIS instrument on 2 April 2012 and is also featured on the Earth from Space video programme.The unique desert of Lut has many hidden games in its heart. Iran experiences frequent tectonic activity as several major fault lines cross the country. In the lower-left we can see the white, snow-capped Jebal Barez mountains.Ī major earthquake struck about 100 km east of the snow-caps in 2003, its epicentre near the ancient city of Bam (lower-central portion of image). But irrigation expansion combined with droughts have caused the water levels in these wetlands to drop significantly – and some years even dry up. With their arid surroundings, the wetlands in this border region have been a major source of food and fresh water for thousands of years, as well as an important stop for migratory birds. In the upper-right section we can see a light green, shallow body of water that straddles Iran’s border with Afghanistan. Lut Desert, sometimes referred to as Dasht-e Lut, is located in southeast Iran mainly in the province of Kerman. The darker area to the east is an extent of massive sand dunes, some reaching up to 300 m tall. The light area in the centre of the image are the long, parallel wind-carved ridges and furrows. Photograph by Jakob Fischer, Alamy Stock Photo. The highest land surface temperature ever recorded was in the Lut Desert in 2005 at 70.7✬, as measured by NASA’s Aqua satellite. A rock formation rises from the desert floor in Dasht-e Lut, Iran. Lut Desert is one of the most extremely arid and warm regions of the world with an area of 120,000 square kilometers. The desert is often called the ‘hottest place on Earth’ as satellites measured record surface temperatures there for several years. Lut Desert is a vast desert that covers about 10 of Iran. The Dasht-e Lut salt desert in southeast Iran is captured in this Envisat image.